YouTube has removed the block preventing those within Japan from being able to listen to songs such as "Taking Off", and "Bedroom Warfare" from the "Ambitions" album.
Monday, 26 December 2016
YouTube Blocking Japanese Residents
アルバム”Ambitions"から;”Taking Off"と”Bedroom Warfare" はユーチューブによるブロック解除となったようです。
Monday, 19 December 2016
ONE OK ROCK – New Album “Ambitions” (English and Japanese versions)
Saturday, 10 September 2016
ONE OK ROCK - Taking Off (English and Japanese versions)
ONE OK ROCKの新曲、Taking Off:英語と日本語版の歌詞の和訳・英訳を狩人ファンサブ(ユーチューブ)にて公開中!・・・ですが、残念ながらユーチューブによって、日本に限り視聴をブロックされています(11月3日現在)。本曲のリリース日である9月16日から2か月を過ぎた、11月中旬あたりに日本の皆さんも視聴できるよう、ブロック解除となれば良いのですが・・・。
Sunday, 10 July 2016
[Article] 5 Seconds of Summer Criticized For Getting One OK Rock As Opening Acts in ‘Sounds Live Feels Live’
Movie News Guide - article of May 14, 2016
Movie News Guideによる記事(2016年5月14日付け)
5 Seconds of Summer Criticized For Getting One OK Rock As Opening Acts in ‘Sounds Live Feels Live’
‘Sounds Live Feels Live’のツアーに於いてワンオクロックを前座とした事で5SOSが非難される
5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS) has a friendly relationship with Japanese rock band One OK Rock. In fact, One OK Rock will open the upcoming US tour of the Aussie rock band. 5SOS just announced that their fellow foursome band will join their labelmate, Hey Violet, as opening acts for the North American tour starting June 30 until the rest of July.
5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS)は日本のロックバンド、ワンオクロックと友好的な関係にいる。実際に、このオーストラリア出身のロックバンドのアメリカツアーのオープンアクトを務めるのがワンオクロックだ。5SOSは、彼らと同じレーベル(レコード会社)のHey Violetに加えて、4人組のこのバンド(ワンオクロック)がオープンアクトとして6月30日から7月いっぱいまで、北米ツアーに参加すると発表した。
However, netizens were not so happy with the announcement. One netizen claimed the Japanese band needs to headline their own tour in the U.S. and do small venues. A Facebook user wrote, “I could care less about seeing 5 Seconds of Summer. I’d be there for One OK Rock!” When the band shared a poster of 5SOS tour on their official page, fans claim 5SOS should sit down and learn while One OK Rock play.
しかし、ネット市民たちはその発表に対しあまり喜ぶ事はなかった。ネット市民の一人は、アメリカにおいてワンオクロックは彼ら自身がメインアクトのツアーを、小さな会場でするべきだと主張する。フェイスブック使用者の一人はこう書いている、「5SOSのショーなんてどうでもいい、私はワンオクロックを観るために行くんです!」 彼らのオフィシャル・サイトで5SOSとのツアーのポスターが掲載された時、ファンたちは、「5SOSは座って、ワンオクロックの演奏から学ぶべきだ」と断言した。
The Japanese band consisting of Taka, Toru, Ryota, and Tomoya got to know 5SOS from working with the latter’s producer John Feldmann. They were formed in 2005, six years earlier than 5SOS’ formation. “When I started this band in Japan, it was the same thing, no big crowds there. Now we’re doing it again in the United States,” Taka told Duluth News Tribune.
Taka, Toru, Ryota, Tomoyaのメンバーで構成されたこの日本人バンドは、プロデューサーのジョン・フェルドマンを通して5SOSと知り合った。2005年にワンオクロックは結成され、5SOSのそれとは6年も早い。TakaはDuluth News Tribuneにこう語った、「日本で僕たちがバンドを始めた時も同じでした、大勢の観客はいませんでした。今それをまたアメリカでしているんです。」
They are easily mistaken as an American band, which came to no surprise at all because the members are fond of American pop-rock. The group’s lead singer Taka enjoys listening to Linkin Park and Maroon 5.
Starting August 18 to September 18, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Roy English will join Hey Violet as openers. As per, the band just tackled continental Europe starting May 12 after ripping through Asia and the U.K.
The “Sound Live Feels Live” is the second headlining concert by 5SOS. It kicked off last February and will end this October. Meanwhile, here’s a little surprise from 5SOS–their next album cover. Long hair rocks!
The original article is available at:
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
[Translation] Happy Birthday Tomoya! (From Instagram)
Happy birthday TOMOYA!!!
今回の誕生日は空中で過ごした誕生日だったね! それでも年はとるんだよね!笑
あなたは僕にとって世界で一番のドラマーです! 健康にはくれぐれも気をつけて、 これからも僕をあなたのビートで支えてくださいそして共に戦って いきましょう!
Translation of Taka's message to Tomoya:
We've spent your birthday in the sky today! But yet, we still grow older! LOL Thank you for supporting me from my back when I'm singing. You are the No.1 drummer in the world to me! I want you to take care of your health very well and please continue supporting me with your beat for a long time to come...and let's keep fighting together! Happy Birthday!
Friday, 24 June 2016
[Article] One OK Rock At Download: “The Kind Of Performance That Only True Rock Stars Would Be Capable Of” ダウンロード・フェスティバルでのワンオクロック:真のロックスターだけに可能なパフォーマンス
One OK Rock At Download: “The Kind Of Performance That Only True Rock Stars Would Be Capable Of”
Gav Lloyd 12 June at 16.32 6月12日16時32分 レポーター:Gav Lloyd
Gav Lloyd caught One OK Rock do their thing at Download Festival. Here's what he learned. Gav Lloydはダウンロード・フェスティバルにてワンオクロックがパフォーマンスするのをキャッチしました。以下、彼が学んできた事です。
In their native Japan, ONE OK ROCK are a huge deal. The sort of huge deal that fills out massive stadiums. The crowd that they are faced with today is considerably smaller than that, but they show no signs of it phasing them, with the kind of performance that only true rock stars would be capable of.
Although all the members of ONE OK ROCK have plenty of star power, frontman Taka Moriuchi is undoubtedly the ace in their pack. Not only is he blessed with a stunning set of pipes but he oozes charisma from the stage, making him a truly captivating figure.
There may not be thousands of people here today, but it's easy to see why they normally play to much bigger numbers. It's a set full of massive, anthemic moments, especially set closer 'Mighty Long Fall'.
今日この会場には何千人もの観客は居なかったかもしれない、しかし、どうして彼らが普段はこれよりももっと大きい数の観客の前で演奏するのかが容易に理解できる。壮大な、高揚感あふれる瞬間が詰まったセットで、クローザー(最後の曲)の'Mighty Long Fall'は特にそうであった。
In their native Japan, ONE OK ROCK are a huge deal. The sort of huge deal that fills out massive stadiums. The crowd that they are faced with today is considerably smaller than that, but they show no signs of it phasing them, with the kind of performance that only true rock stars would be capable of.
Although all the members of ONE OK ROCK have plenty of star power, frontman Taka Moriuchi is undoubtedly the ace in their pack. Not only is he blessed with a stunning set of pipes but he oozes charisma from the stage, making him a truly captivating figure.
There may not be thousands of people here today, but it's easy to see why they normally play to much bigger numbers. It's a set full of massive, anthemic moments, especially set closer 'Mighty Long Fall'.
今日この会場には何千人もの観客は居なかったかもしれない、しかし、どうして彼らが普段はこれよりももっと大きい数の観客の前で演奏するのかが容易に理解できる。壮大な、高揚感あふれる瞬間が詰まったセットで、クローザー(最後の曲)の'Mighty Long Fall'は特にそうであった。
The original article is available at:
18 Photos Of One OK Rock Overcoming The Odds At Download Festival
Lee Allen 12 June at 16.21 撮影者:Lee Allen 6月12日16時21分
One OK Rock, Download Festival, June 12 2016 // Photo credit: Lee Allen
The boys from Tokyo did themselves proud at Download Festival on Sunday.
Lee Allen was there to capture One OK Rock doing their thing.
Lee Allenは現地にてワンオクロックのパフォーマンスを捕らえた。
Lee Allenは現地にてワンオクロックのパフォーマンスを捕らえた。
To view all 18 pictures, visit their (Rock Sound) site:
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Friday, 13 May 2016
[Interview] Exclusive Interview With One Ok Rock Frontman Taka / ワンオクロックのフロントマン(表看板となる人物)、Takaとの独占インタビュー
Exclusive Interview With One Ok Rock Frontman Taka
We chat live collaborations and Warped Tour.
INTERVIEW By Elizabeth Smith - Apr 14, 2016
インタビュアー:エリザベス・スミス -2016年4月14日
Photo by John Crisp
Celebrated Japaenese rockstars ONE OK ROCK have been making waves in America over the last few years. Fresh off their first English album, 35xxxv, we caught up with frontman Taka to discuss touring in the U.S. and all things Japanese. Check out the interview below to find out what you should do in Japan, and if they'll ever return to do another Warped Tour.
世に知られた日本のロックスター、ONE OK ROCKがここ数年の間に、アメリカで話題になってきています。初めての英語でのアルバム、35xxxvをリリースしたばかりのボーカルTakaと会い、アメリカでのツアーについて、また日本の事柄全般について話し合いました。下記のインタビューを読んで、あなたが日本に行ったら何をするべきか、彼らがワープト・ツアーに再び参加するのかどうか、発見してください。
世に知られた日本のロックスター、ONE OK ROCKがここ数年の間に、アメリカで話題になってきています。初めての英語でのアルバム、35xxxvをリリースしたばかりのボーカルTakaと会い、アメリカでのツアーについて、また日本の事柄全般について話し合いました。下記のインタビューを読んで、あなたが日本に行ったら何をするべきか、彼らがワープト・ツアーに再び参加するのかどうか、発見してください。
We also got the chance to see the rock band play live in Baltimore, Maryland on April 9. Check out the photo gallery after the interview
How is touring in the US different from Japan? Are the crowds different?
Yea, totally, crowd is totally different. When I'm doing a show in Japan, they're sometimes really quiet. But here, they're always louder and singing too. So it’s a little different, but I like both actually.
So then, what’s your favorite venue to play when you’re home in Japan?
I don’t know. I like the outside like a super bowl? And we’re in stadiums in Japan, really huge shows, but it's always a really good crowd and I think those are my favorite. In the United States it’s House of Blues, maybe.
どうかな~?僕はスーパーボールみたいに、野外の会場が好きかな?日本では、スタジアムでも公演したけれど、本当に大きな規模のショーで、でも毎回とてもいい観客で・・・だから僕はこういう会場がお気に入りかな。アメリカでは、ハウス・オヴ・ブルース(House of Blues)かな。
どうかな~?僕はスーパーボールみたいに、野外の会場が好きかな?日本では、スタジアムでも公演したけれど、本当に大きな規模のショーで、でも毎回とてもいい観客で・・・だから僕はこういう会場がお気に入りかな。アメリカでは、ハウス・オヴ・ブルース(House of Blues)かな。
What about if an American band is new to touring in Japan, like it’s their first time, what would you recommend they do?
Uh, sushi! [laughs]
If you could put together your own festival and you could pick any artist to be on the bill with you, who would you pick?
Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, and Issues.
When you’re about to go onstage, you’re about to perform, how are you getting ready for the show?
Just relax actually. I’m not doing warm ups, not really, not usually. So just relax. Sometimes I’ll listen to music, just to relax and then "Let’s go, let’s do the show."
What was the moment for you when you knew you wanted to be the lead singer of a band?
There is a Japanese band we call Rize. The lead singer is half-American and Japanese, his name is Jesse.
I think one of your first tours here in the U.S. was Warped Tour, how crazy was that experience? And would you do it again?
Yea, Warped Tour is like, sometimes super dirty and then every place is super hot. But, Warped Tour is super fun and we can meet a lot of American bands and then obviously like other country's bands too. So, our first time I was super confused, because doing Warped Tour for the first time I couldn't speak English very well. I tried to do Warped Tour this year but we couldn’t make it. So maybe next year or two years later I’m gonna try one more time.
So on 35xxxv, you had Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens feature on your song "Paper Planes". So I was curious, if you could do another collaboration with an artist, but live onstage, who would it be?
アルバム35xxxvではSleeping With Sirensのケリン・クウィンがあなた方の曲、"Paper Planes"で共演していますね。ステージで、そしてライブでコラボするとしたらどのアーティストとしたいですか?
アルバム35xxxvではSleeping With Sirensのケリン・クウィンがあなた方の曲、"Paper Planes"で共演していますね。ステージで、そしてライブでコラボするとしたらどのアーティストとしたいですか?
Uh, that’s super difficult question for me. [laughs] But maybe All Time Low. Yea we had a show already in Japan and the in United States too. So I like [the] guys and then they're super dependable and then obviously, they’re almost the same genre as us. So that’s why maybe next time, All Time Low.
あ~、それはすごく難しい質問だな。(笑)All Time Lowかな。日本とアメリカでもうすでにショーを一緒にしたんです。彼らの事が好きだし、とても頼りになるし、それに僕たちとほとんど同じ(音楽)ジャンルだし。だから、次はAll Time Lowかな。
あ~、それはすごく難しい質問だな。(笑)All Time Lowかな。日本とアメリカでもうすでにショーを一緒にしたんです。彼らの事が好きだし、とても頼りになるし、それに僕たちとほとんど同じ(音楽)ジャンルだし。だから、次はAll Time Lowかな。
ONE OK ROCK at Baltimore Soundstage in Baltimore
Photos by John Crisp
Original article:
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
[Article] Chicago Tribune article / シカゴ・トリビューン紙 (電子版)
Chicago Tribune article, April 11, 2016
シカゴ・トリビューン紙 (電子版)
2016年4月11日付け 記事
One Ok Rock is pretty lucky for an arena rock band
One Ok Rock is, from left, Ryota Kohama, Takahiro Moriuchi, Toru Yamashita and Tomoya Kanki. (Kazuaki Seki)
ワンオクロック:左から、小浜良太、森内貴寛、山下亨、神吉智也(撮影:関 かずあき)
By Allison Stewart筆者:アリソン・スチュワート
Chicago Tribuneシカゴ・トリビューン
April 11, 2016. 5:35PM 2016年4月11日 午後5時35分
In its native Japan, One Ok Rock plays arenas. Stadiums, even. In America, where the band released its first English-language album, "35xxxv," last fall, One Ok Rock considers itself fortunate to be third-billed on the Monster Energy Outbreak club tour (which hits House of Blues on Monday).
故郷の日本では、ワンオクロックはアリーナで公演する、いや、スタジアムまでもだ。アメリカでは彼らは初めての英語でのアルバム、"35xxxv"を去年の秋にリリースし、ワンオクロックはMonster Energy Outbreakクラブ・ツアーではトリから三番目に演奏できる事をラッキーだと思っている。
"It doesn't matter how big or small the crowds are, for me," says lead singer Takahiro Moriuchi (he goes by Taka; all members of One Ok Rock go by their first names). "When I started this band in Japan, it was the same thing, no big crowds there. Now we're doing it again in the United States."
One Ok Rock want to be the most famous rock band to ever come out of Japan, which is harder and easier than it sounds: No famous rock band has ever come out of Japan, at least none that has ever made it big stateside.
One Ok Rock could easily be mistaken for an American band, which might actually be the point: The group's members love American pop-rock, and the sort of Hot Topic/Good Charlotte/Warped Tour punk that was popular circa 2005. Ask Taka what music he likes, and he'll cite acts such as Linkin Park, Maroon 5 and "a lot of emo stuff." The album "35xxxv" (pronounced "thirty-five") is a crisp, endearing, slightly dated homage to those bands; it sounds like an album of Bush-era Fall Out Boy outtakes.
ワンオクロックはアメリカ出身のバンドだと容易に勘違いされてもおかしくない、それが実は要点なのかもしれない。バンドのメンバーはアメリカのポップ・ロックや、2005年あたりに人気だったホット・トピック、グッド・シャーロット、ワープト・ツアー的パンク音楽を愛している。Takaに好きな音楽を聞いてみると、リンキン・パークやマルーン5が出てくる、そして“エモが好き”と言う。アルバムの"35xxxv"は、キビキビとしていて親しみやすく、ブッシュ政権時代のFall Out Boyのアルバムのアウトテイクのようなサウンドで、少し古いがそういう類のバンドのオマージュのように聞こえる。
One Ok Rock (which actually did play the Warped Tour in 2014) released the disc in Japanese and English versions. "It's almost the same album," Taka says, though some of the melodies were Americanized. "Sometimes English to Japanese is difficult, because words and sounds are totally different. Sometimes we change the melody, sometimes we change the licks. ... When I sing it here, I have to sing in English. It's so confusing, but I'm now getting used to it."
Moriuchi, now 28, was born to famous enka (e.g. old school) singers Masako and Shinichi Mori. In the early 2000s, he briefly belonged to the boy band NEWS, which would go on to become famous after he left. It wasn't a good fit: He didn't like the band's sound and chafed against its rules (boy bands have lots of rules). "When I started singing, I was 13 years old and I was in some boy band group," he says. "It was not my style. That's why they moved me to more comfortable music for me, more rock and roll."
In One Ok Rock's early days, Moriuchi was uncomfortable with the idea of becoming famous, partly because the group's formation coincided with his parents' very public divorce, and because pop stardom in Japan is often a thorny proposition. "In Japan, music culture is, this is a really bad word, but super cheesy," he says. "That's why I (didn't) want to do cheesy Japanese music stuff. But here (in America) it's more, like, international, I think it's cool."
The group's 2012 song "The Beginning" appeared in a manga adaptation and became a smash; the band tentatively began outreach to the rest of the world the following year, and eventually went to southern California to make "35xxxv."
ワンオクロックが2012年に出した曲、"The Beginning"は漫画を原作とした映画に使われ、大ヒットとなった。次の年には暫定的に世界へと手を伸ばし始め、のちには南カルフォルニアで"35xxxv"を制作するに至った。
It was the culmination of everything Moriuchi ever wanted. The group had a house on the beach, a studio in its house, a celebrated American producer (Goldfinger lead singer John Feldmann) and, eventually, a distribution deal with Warner Bros. "We want to tour and do recording in the United States," Taka says. "This is a dream come true right now. I wanted to reach more American fans, reach another country of people."
To a small but vocal contingent of its Japanese fans, the band's preoccupation with stateside success was perceived as an abandonment of its roots ("Maybe they understand already?" Moriuchi says hopefully when asked how these fans feel now). Backlash or not, Moriuchi, having lived in southern California, isn't in a hurry to go back home. "The United States is so comfortable for me. I don't know how it is for the others, but for me it's so much better than Japan."
Allison Stewart is a freelancer.
Twitter @chitribent
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